Document Object Model - DOM
represents a web page as a tree of objects (accessible by JavaScript and CSS and HTML)
allows you to modify page elements via JavaScript after the page is loaded
Node Object
The Node object is the primary data type for the entire DOM.
The Node object represents a single node in the document tree.
See for details on this object
Kinds of nodes include:
element nodes (HTML tag)
can have children and/or attributes
- text nodes (text in a block element)
a child within an element node
cannot have children or attributes
- attribute nodes (attribute/value pair inside the start of a tag)
a child within an element node
cannot have children or attributes
Properties include:
firstChild, lastChild : start/end of this node's list of children
childNodes : array of all this node's children
nextSibling, previousSibling : neighboring nodes that have the same parent
parentNode : the element that contains this node
DOM node object methods
- appendChild(node) : places the given node at the end of this node's child list
- insertBefore(newChild, oldChild) : places the given new node in this node's child list just before oldChild
- removeChild(node) : removes the given node from this node's child list
- replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) : replaces the given child node with the given new node
DOM creating new nodes - createElement
DOM accessing nodes by id or tag
- gets a specific element on the page
- get an array of all children of the given type ("p", "div", etc.)
- can be called on the overall document or on a specific node
DOM changing associated content or attributes
element = document.getElementById("div42"); //get the element first
element.innerHTML = "This text is <i>important</i>"; // set content
element.setAttribute... //change attribute appropriately
img.src="newImage.jpg"; // where grabbed image = img here alter the source of image to new image
DOM -redirecting to a new page
window.location.href = "newPage.html";
DOM - making invisibile/visible
- Invisible: = "none";
- Visible: = "";
Or, to be safe, save the original style.
DOM objects - beyond the node object
Every Javascript program can refer to the following global objects:
- window : the browser window
- methods:
- alert, blur, clearInterval, clearTimeout, close, confirm, focus, moveBy, moveTo, open, print, prompt, resizeBy, resizeTo, scrollBy, scrollTo, setInterval, setTimeout
- properties:
- navigator : info about the web browser you're using
- screen : info about the screen area occupied by the browser
- history : list of pages the user has visited
- location : URL of the current HTML page
- document : current HTML page object model
© Lynne Grewe