"Dynamic" HMTL
- Is a set of extensions and new features created by Netscape and Microsoft
- Allows for greater interactivity.
- Enhance's ability to control appearance of final document.
Dynamic HTML is not the same for Netscape and Microsoft!!!!!
What do you do?....pick and choose with the risk someone can not see yourpage as you would like them to.
Style Sheets
- Both Netscape and Microsoft support this.
- Allow you to define the default appearance of different parts of your document.
- Can control color, style of fonts, spacing, etc.
- Including Style Definitions in same Web-page
- Define the style inside of the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tagsand this must be inside of the <HEAD> tags!!!!!!!!
- Import a style sheet from another file
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">
- Note this link tag associates this external style sheet file with the currentdocument.
Kinds of Styles:
Persistent always applied regardless of user's local selections.
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">
- Default apply when a page is loaded but can be disabled by user in favor of another sytle.
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet" TITLE="whatever">
- Alternate provided as options for user to choose.
<LINK REL=alternate stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">
How to apply a style once external file in imported or the style is definedin the same file as web page
- Can apply a style to any HTML tag you have in your web-page by using a specialattribute of either :
ID="id_name" or CLASS="class_name"
A class is a style that defines properties for some or all elements in a document.
An id defines something that has a unique value over an entire document...oftenused to override specific settings of a class for specific instances of an element.
Netscape only supports this.
Layers contain each other like the layers of an onion do. There is an outer layer and further and further inner layers, each new one containing the others to come.
<BODY> is essentially the outer most layer possible.
Layers can be positioned anywhere inside of its "parent" containing layer.
How to create a layer:
Microsoft Only Additions
- Document Object Model
- Mechanism by which you can script pages.
- Multimedia Controls
- Various controls include: creates hot spots/clickable regions in page, mixes multile WAV audio files, moves objects on a path, controls timing of events, creates animated buttons and more.
- Object Positioning
- providing fine control over placement of items on a web page. Can have objectsoverlap and obscure things.
Netscape Only Additions
- Layers
See here
- JavaScript Style Sheets
Alternative to Cascading Style Sheets discussed before.Here properties are controlled in JavaScript.
© Lynne Grewe