"Dynamic" HMTL

Dynamic HTML is not the same for Netscape and Microsoft!!!!!
What do you do?....pick and choose with the risk someone can not see yourpage as you would like them to.

Style Sheets Layers Netscape Only Microsoft Only

Style Sheets

Define the style inside of the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tagsand this must be inside of the <HEAD> tags!!!!!!!!
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">
Note this link tag associates this external style sheet file with the currentdocument.

Kinds of Styles:

  1. Persistent always applied regardless of user's local selections.
  2. <LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">
  3. Default apply when a page is loaded but can be disabled by user in favor of another sytle.
  4. <LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet" TITLE="whatever">
  5. Alternate provided as options for user to choose.
<LINK REL=alternate stylesheet HREF="Filename_of_Style_Sheet">

How to apply a style once external file in imported or the style is definedin the same file as web page

 ID="id_name"     or     CLASS="class_name"
© Lynne Grewe