points 200
- 20 pnts Adequately Commented Code
- 5 pnts CodeDescription.doc - section 1
- 5 pnts CodeDescription.doc - section 2
- 5 points CodeDescription.doc - section 3 BEFORE shots
- 5 points CodeDescription.doc - section 3 AFTER shots
- MINUS 10 points if your code does not work and you have not told me the issues as best as you can in CodeDescription.doc
- MINUS 10 points if you did not turn in a Code.zip containing your PHP code AND CAN NOT FURTHER GRADE PROJECT
- MINUS 10 points if you did not turn in NodeJSProject.zip AND CAN NOT FURTHER GRADE PROJECT
- 20 pntsOrder Vaildity checked in PHP program
- 20 points successfully makes a call from finalOrder.php to the NodeJS program endpoint /storeData
- 20 points successfully created MongoDB Collections
- 20 points successfully makes entry in CUSTOMERS table using an id that you generate
- 20 points successfully makes entry in BILLING table using an id you generate
- 20 points successfully makes entry in SHIPPING table using an id you generate
- 20 points successfully makes entry in ORDERS table
- MINUS 10 points if you do not close properly your database connections
- MINUS 20 points if you do not structure your program with program names and URLs as stipulated in the project statement
- 20 points gets back response from calling /storeData and reports to view (the response from finalOrder.php to browser client) the message "Order Successful" or "Order Not Successful"