public abstract class InputStream |
- reads a stream of BYTES.
- Is the parent of all input stream classes.
- reads next byte of input from stream.
public abstract class Reader |
- like InputStream but reads a stream of CHARACTERS!!!!
- Is the parent of all reader classes.
- reads next single character from stream.
public abstract class OutputStream |
- writes a stream of BYTES!!!!
- Is the parent of all OutputStream classes.
- OS.write(byte b[]) writes b.length bytes from the
b[] array.
- OS.close() closes stream
public abstract class Writer |
- like OutputStream but reads a stream of CHARACTERS!!!!
- Is the parent of all Writer classes.
- W.write(char c[]) writes c.length bytes from the
c[] array.
- W.write(Strint S) writes the string S.