CS3340:  Intro OOP and Design

Creating a BitBucket GIT repository from existing (or one you just created) Eclipse Project

(also see video --if not up to date search for you own ---basically repeats steps below)

-this assumes you have a BitBucket account and you have installed eGit on Eclipse already

Step 1) tell Eclipse want project to be associated with Git

Step 2) specify where local GIT repository will be stored it will be stored

Step 3) commit your project code and associate it with a remote Git (bitbucket) repository



step 1: start eclipse and right click on the project and select Team->Share Project, select Git



step 2: Hit create button to create a NEW repository

specify the path to some new local directory

step 2.2: now we have a project associated with a LOCAL git repository


step 3: try to commit and push code (right click on project Team->Commit)---it will not only push to local but, prompt for a REMOTE repository


Eclipse MARS

here is the pop up asking you what code to commit

Eclipse Neon

More or less same as shown in right for Neon version -->




© Lynne Grewe