Example C++ how to pass by reference
- void function (CarType& car, float
- x is by value, car
is by reference
- can do in function car.price = X*33.3;
- invocation of fuction function(myCar,
void AdjustForInflation(CarType& car, float perCent)
// Increases price by the amount specified in perCent
car.price = car.price * perCent + car.price;
} ;
AdjustForInflation(myCar, 0.03);
Example C++ how to pass by value
bool LateModel(CarType car, int date)
// Returns true if the car’s
model year is later than or
// equal to date; returns false otherwise.
{ return ( car.year >= date ) ; } ;
- invocation of
function SAMPLE CALL
if ( LateModel(myCar, 1995)
std::cout << myCar.price
<< std::endl ;