C++ Classes

How to create a class

A class is a type that encapsulates a fixed number of data components (data members) with the functions (called member functions) that manipulate them.

Typically 2 files used to define a classe

Define the class in file date.h (specification file)

class Date {

    int day, //internal storage scheme
                  month, //this is private to the class

         char *message; //string message reflecting date

     void new_date(int,int,int); //method to change the date

          char* give_date(); //report date

Now define the methods in file date.cpp (implementation file)

#include "date.h"

void date::new_date(int d, int m, int y)
   day = d;

void date::give_date()
   char *buf= new char[80];

   sprintf(buf, "%s %d, %d", mname[month],day,year);

   return buf;



{ //...code here }

{ //...code here }




Create an instance of the class

date d; //will call default constructor automatically

Abstract Class


An abstract class is a class which has one or more pure virtual methods:

  • Own pure virtual functions Inherited (without overriding) of pure virtual functions
  • Abstract class may have subclasses but no instances:
            No object of an abstract class can be created:
            An abstract class cannot be used as an argument type.
            An abstract class cannot be used as function return

use the keyword abstract

class Draw it

     virtual void print();


See an example of abstract class, a subclass and a program using it.


Interface Class


An abstract class is a class which all methods are abstract (pure virtual)