CS1160:   Introduction to Computer Science I


Project 3 -

The following are guidelines that will be used in evaluating Project 1. These are APPROXIMATE GUIDELINES ONLY and are not set in stone. The point values may alter and this is only meant as a general guideline.

points = ____/250


  1. ___10 pnts Prinout of Documented Code
  2. ___5 Printout of chat session
  3. ___5 Printout of saved text chat session
  4. ___12 Demonstrate working on multiple machines
  5. ___12 JavaDoc
  6. ___12Use-Case Diagram
  7. ___12 GUI Prototype (not after fact)
  8. ___12 UML Diagrams
  9. ___30 OO Design
  10. __10 Chat Server: listens to port assigned
  11. __20 Chat Server: spings off Socket in Threaded class
  12. __10 Chat Server: Threaded class handles connet/new user
  13. __10 Chat Server: Threaded class handles disconnect of user
  14. __10 Chat Server: Threaded class handles chat talk
  15. __5 Chat client: host not hardcoded inappropriately
  16. __20 Chat client: GUI understandable
  17. __10 Chat client: disconnect of a user updates GUI appropriately
  18. __10 Chat client: when connect asks for handle
  19. __10 Chat client: connect of a user updates GUI approrpiately
  20. __10 Chat client: see chat text
  21. __10 Chat client: can save chat into text file.
© Lynne Grewe