General Programming Style
Commenting Requirements:
- Each source and header file must begin with a comment block identifying the programmer, project,
and last modification date.
- The source file containing main()
must include a comment block (following the identification header
comment), that briefly describes the purpose of the program and the
primary data structures employed.
- Each function must be accompanied by a header comment that describes what the function
does, the logical purpose of each parameter (including whether it is
input, output, or input/output), the pre-conditions that a function
call assumes and the post-conditions that are guaranteed, the return
value (if any), and a list of other functions called by this function
(if any). These function header comments may be placed with the
function prototype or with the function implementation.
- Declarations of all local variables and constants
must be accompanied by a brief description of purpose.
- Major control structures, such as loops or selections, should be preceded
by a block comment describing what the following code
- Use a sensible, consistent pattern of indentation and other formatting
style (such as bracket placement) to improve the readability of your
Procedural Coding Requirements:
- Identifier names (constants, variables, functions, classes, etc.)
should be descriptive.
- Pass function parameters with appropriate access. Use pass-by-reference
or pass-by-pointer only when the called function needs to modify the
value of the actual parameter. Use pass-by-constant-reference
or pass-by-constant-pointer when passing large structures that are not
modified by the called function. Use pass-by-value when the called
function must modify the formal parameter (internal to the call) but
the actual parameter should remain unmodified.
- In general, store character data (aside from single characters) in
string objects, rather than char arrays.
- Use new-style C++ at all times; e.g., use <iostream> instead of <iostream.h>. Try not mix old and new
style C++ headers.
- Use stream I/O instead of C-style I/O.