Priority Queue


Has the property that only the highest-priority element can be accessed at any time (and not the typical FIFO queue).

Implementation Possibilities

An unsorted List- dequeuing would require searching through the entire list

An Array-Based Sorted List- Enqueuing is expensive

A Reference-Based Sorted List- Enqueuing again is 0(N)

A Binary Search Tree- On average, 0(log2N) steps for both enqueue and dequeue

A Heap- guarantees 0(log2N) steps, even in the worst case

  • If you consider the value of the array item in the heap as it's priority then you can see that the heap can be used to always find the item with the highest-priority very quickly be looking at the first element in the array

Comparison of Implmentations......>

Implementation using Heap

Dequeue = to read root value (highest priority) and remove it

Set item to root element from queue
Move last leaf element into root position
Decrement length

Enqueue = to insert new element in queue

It has to place the new element where it belongs in the queue.
Here we just stick it at the very end of the heap in the array (increasing the size of the heap) and then move it up the chain of parents until it is smaller than it's parent (if it is larger than its parent then it doesn't hurt to swap it with it's parent, the heap at that node will still satisfy the heap condition).

class FullPQ(){};
class EmptyPQ(){};

class PQType
  void MakeEmpty();
  bool IsEmpty() const;
  bool IsFull() const;
  void Enqueue(ItemType newItem);
  void Dequeue(ItemType& item);
  Heap heap;

PQType::PQType(int max)
  maxItems = max;
  heap = new Heap();
  heap.heapsize = 0;

void PQType::MakeEmpty()
  heap.heapsize = 0;

  delete [] heap.elements;

float PQType::Dequeue() {
  if (heap.ISEmpty()) 
  max = heap.getRoot(); //first element, root
//put last element at root
  heap.heapsize -=1;
  return max;

float PQType::Enqueue(float new_value)
  heap.heapsize = heap.heapsize + 1;
  index = A.heapsize;
  while (index > 1 && heap.getParent(index) < new_value )
    {heap.elements[index] = heap.getParent(index);
     index = parent(index); //get parent's index

  heap.elements[index] = new_value;

© Lynne Grewe