Depth First Search - finding a path in a graph

FindPath(VertexType A, VertexType B):

Depth First Search - does a path exist from vertex A to vertex B.

Here we figure out if a path exists from A to B by searching from A in a depth-first manner. If A and B are the same, the search ends. Else we examine try the first of the adjacent vertices from A and see if there is a path from it to B. If not, we try the second one and so on until we found a path or exhausted all of the adjacent matrices.

Example: Does a flight path exist from Austin to Washington?

Intial PsuedoCode:

DeptFirstSearch(A, B)
       Set found to be false
       stack.Push(A)          //push on start vertex

              stack.Pop(vertex)     //pop of vertex on top of stack.
              if vertex = B             //if you are at the ending vertex you are done

                  Write final vertex
                  Set found to be true
                  Write this vertex onto path
                  Push all adjacent vertices onto stack
      } while !stack.IsEmpty() AND !found

     if(!found)     //exhuasted all paths and could not find path to B
          Write "Path does not exist"


Problem with above code:

  • can cycle and revisit a vertex more than once
  • could get into an infinite loop


  • mark vertices we have already visited and do not put them on the path a second time.
  • 3 new operators:
          MarkVertex(VertexType vertex)
          IsMarked(VertexType vertex) - returns true/false if vertex marked or not.
          ClearMarks() - sets marks for all vertices to false.


Other Issues:

  • What is printed out in the code presented here is the result of the search....even the dead-ends that were found before backing up to find the correct path. Consider the question: is there a path from Denter to Auston. This is what are program would print out: Denver -> Atlanta ->Houston -> Washington -> Dallas -> Auston. But, we dont really want to visit Houston!!!!
  • This code does not necessarily find the "BEST" path. See shortest path problem.




© Lynne Grewe