* Program: imageio.h
* Purpose: This header file contains function prototypes for functions that
* dynamically allocate and free 8-bit (unsigned char) images. It also contains
* prototypes for functions that read and write images to files in raw PGM
* format. This code was written to be used as a teaching resource.
* Name: Michael Heath, University of South Florida
* Date: 1/7/2000
#ifndef _PGMIO_
#define _PGMIO_

unsigned char **allocate_image(int rows, int cols);

void free_image(unsigned char **image, int rows);

int read_pgm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char ***image, int *rows, int *cols);

int write_pgm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char **image, int rows,
   int cols, char *comment, int maxval);

int write_gray_bmp(char *outfilename, unsigned char **image, short int rows, short int cols);