CS2020:   Web Science, Sytems and Design

Google Maps: Additional Libraries can load inside of Map

The JavaScript code for the Maps API is loaded via a bootstrap URL of the form http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js. This bootstrap request loads all of the main Javascript objects and symbols for use in the Maps API. Some Maps API features are also available in self-contained libraries which are not loaded unless you specifically request them. Breaking up supplemental components into libraries allows the main API to load (and parse) quickly; you only incur the additional overhead of loading and parsing libraries if you need them.

You specify additional libraries to load within the bootstrap request by specifying a libraries parameter, passing that parameter the name of the library or libraries. Multiple libraries may be specified as a comma-separated list. Once loaded, libraries are accessed via the google.maps.libraryName namespace.

The following libraries are currently available:

  • geometry includes utility functions for calculating scalar geometric values (such as distance and area) on the the surface of the earth. Consult the Geometry library documentation for more information.
  • adsense allows your Maps API application to include context-sensitive text ads, allowing you to share in ad revenue for ads shown to your users. Consult the AdSense library documentation for more information.

We will add more libraries in the future as we release additional opt-in features.

The following bootstrap request illustrates how to request the google.maps.geometry library of the Maps Javascript API:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?libraries=geometry&sensor=true_or_false">
© Lynne Grewe